Monday, December 1, 2014

Update on the Meristem Health Distro (and more!)

It has been so long since I have updated this blog (uh, I think I may have written about this before as well).  Anyways, here is an update for the Meristem Health Distro

Well, the distro still exists and many new zines have been added and are available at SubRosa (in Santa Cruz).  I hope to also create some original content about lyme disease...local plant medicine and more.

Also, another distro has spun off from Meristem called Out of the Broom Closet: a radical witchy distro.  It is has a few titles and carries zines along the lines of what the title states.

Meristem and Out of the Broom Closet will be tabling at the East Bay Bookfair this Sunday in Oakland, so if you go come by and say hello. 

It's due to rain buckets tomorrow and I hope that brings out the mushrooms (maybe more on that later).

In reference to past posts...I made some fire cider again for this winter with some friends.  I have really appreciated having this fire cider to take when I have felt like I was getting sick, and I have also given tincture bottles of it away to friends.  The link to that post is here.   Also, I went out looking for bay nuts over the past few weeks, and didn't find much.  I haven't done this often enough to know the pattern over time.  Perhaps this will be a leaner year for the bay nuts...does it fluctuate like acorns?...less because of drought?...will come in abundance later?...there is so much I do not know and appreciate this realization as it points to an area of growth for me.  I want to be more aware of and connected to the land where I live, and to get to know it in this more intimate way, over time.  The post about bay nuts from last year is here.

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