Saturday, December 15, 2012

Medicinal Benefits of Habañero Peppers

It has been awhile since I have posted to this blog.  Yup.  The Meristem Distro continues even though this blog has not been updated for so long.

Recently, a friend gave me a handful of habañero peppers, because she told me that they are too spicy for her.  I gladly and gratefully accepted them.  I nibbled on the last of the peppers tonight with a soup I had made.  Yum!  I love spicy peppers!  I decided to look up information about the health benefits of habañero peppers, and here is a bit of what I found.

Habaneros belong to the same Capsicum family of chili peppers that includes jalapenos, poblanos and bell peppers. Native to Central America, South America and the Caribbean Islands, habanero peppers are the hottest of all commercially grown chili peppers, making them a favorite with aficionados of spicy dishes. Habaneros boast more benefits than intense heat, however. They contain a high concentration of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and the compound capsaicin. Diets rich in the nutrients provided by habanero peppers may help prevent the development of a number of potentially serious medical conditions.

There are many myths against the consumption of habanero chili. People ignore the numerous benefits they could contribute to human beings' health. Here are some of them:

  • All chilli peppers contain phytochemicals substances called capsaicinoids that produce capsicum. The capsicum is the ingredient that gives heat intensity when habanero chili peppers are ingested or applied topically.
  • When habanero chile is consumed, it binds with the mouth and throat which are the pain receptors of the heat. Once it is transmitted to the brain, it responds to this burning sensation by increasing heart rate perspiration and releasing body's natural endorphin.
  • Researches have shown that habanero chiles may have some beneficial properties as an anticoagulant. Small amounts of capsicum may help prevent heart attacks or strokes caused by blood clot.
  • In cases of cardiovascular diseases, some doctors recommend a bit of habanero chiles in dairy dishes because bad cholesterol could resist oxidation for a longer period of time and delay the development of a major risk.
  • Habanero chili peppers can provide symptomatic relief from rhinitis and possibly bronchitis by clearing mucus from stuffed noses or congested lungs.
  • Some studies in mice show that capsicum products in particular as could help people suffering from obesity to lose weight, even though this is not proved yet with human beings. (my added note:  i am opposed to experiments on animals!)
  • Capsicum peppers or Capsaicin in general are also a good substance for diabetes control by creating new cells that start producing insulin again.
  • In some countries, chilis are used in salves due to their slight anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect. Some researches have proved in rats that capsicum products can block pain without causing temporary paralysis.
  • Habanero chiles consumption does not cause stomach aches or cancer even though people usually used to associate them. It has been proved there is not any relationship between them unless capsicum peppers have been adulterated with Sudan I, II, III, IV, para-Red and other illegal carcinogenic substances as aflatoxins and N-nitroso.
  • Several studies confirm that capsicum varieties could have an anti-ulcer protective effect on stomachs infected with H. pylori
  • Jalapeño and habanero chili peppers are a good source of vitamins as well as they are very high in potassium, magnesium and iron, which in turn, may be effective in protecting against cancer. They contain 357% more vitamin C than an orange: green habanero has twice as much as citrus fruit and red ones have three times more, plus an important amount of provitamin A. Moreover, they are a good source of most B vitamins in particular vitamin B6.
  • All kind of chili pepper powder and fresh habanero chiles may help control food contamination in countries where there is a minimal or even no refrigeration.

from and

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